Embracing Growth Together:

Empowering Talent and Embracing Opportunities in CNY Manufacturing

Meghan Durso, Senior Human Capital Manager, TDO

In Central New York (CNY), the manufacturing industry isn’t just a sector; it’s the heartbeat of our community, pulsating with endless possibilities for those seeking meaningful careers. Yet, amidst the bustling production lines and innovative technologies lies a treasure trove of untold opportunities waiting to be discovered.

Did you know that right here in CNY, millions of gallons of life-saving cancer drugs are crafted, alongside the assembly of luxurious 24k gold elevators? Every night, two million pounds of food journey from Syracuse to nourish countless families. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. From cutting-edge military technology to the meticulous craftsmanship of electronic components, our region is a hub of excellence and innovation.

What sets us apart, however, isn’t just our impressive output—it’s our people. Our talent pool thrives on innovation and a commitment to quality, shaping not only the present but also laying the foundation for our future successes.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of manufacturing, it’s crucial that we adapt our approach to talent acquisition and development as well. Here are some key strategies I’ve observed leading to success:

Fostering Genuine Connections: Beyond conventional interviews, it’s essential to foster genuine connections with candidates. By offering insights into our facilities, allowing job shadowing, and engaging in meaningful discussions, we can ensure alignment not just in skills but also in values and purpose. Remember, hiring is not a race; it’s a journey of discovery, where investing time and intentionality pays off in the long run.

Cultivating Loyalty: In a world where job insecurity looms large, transparency and support are paramount. By openly communicating growth plans and investing in skill development, we can create an environment where employees feel valued and committed for the long haul. Let’s aim not just for a workforce but for a community of dedicated individuals who see their future intertwined with ours.

For more information on this topic, please contact Meghan Durso, Senior Human Capital Manager, TDO at Meghan@tdo.org or visit online at www.TDO.org to learn more about the services available at TDO.